Monday, December 8, 2008

Sticky SEO Free Download

Go right to the download....

Sticky SEO, in a nutshell, is all about how to hang on to your search engine referrals. And if you learn how to do this really well, your competitors can just kiss your... OK, let me put it another way. Sticky SEO is the perfect synergy of search engine optimization, usability and conversions. It's all about convincing the search engines that your website is more useful than your competitors' websites.

And just how will the search engines know that yours is the most useful website?

  1. Your visitors don't bounce back to the search engines as often as they do from other websites.

  2. Those that do bounce back, stay longer on your site than on others.

  3. Your visitors dive deeper into your website than they do into others.

How do I know that your visitors are about to treat your website so much better than other websites? Because you are about to download all the secrets of Sticky SEO.

Please note: this book is not just a bunch of theory. It is a practical guide that offers 6 exclusive strategies to master this new "usefulness algorithm".

And it gets better. Each strategy includes specific actionable tips to help your website retain visitors. Let's face it, you can either let them bounce back to the search engine, effectively saying, "Yuck, that was a useless website," or you can turn them into customers, fans or users...and await the steady stream of new customers that will follow. Kind of a no-brainer, isn't it?..

Our thanks to David Leonhardt click here to download.

download NOW!

p.s. In addition to the 6 strategies in the Sticky SEO book, there are a number of advanced techniques and tactics that really don't fit conveniently into any particular "strategy". But they are cool and they are razor-sharp. Some are white hat. Some are black hat. Some are gray hat. All are premium crafted tricks for those motivated go-getters who really want to add power to their SEO and pump up their profits.

download NOW!

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